22 July 2009

Columbus Lot Closure

Northeastern is going to be doing work on the Columbus Parking lot (the surface lot between the two garages) this upcoming weekend, and so the lot will be closed on Saturday, July 25th, and Sunday, July 26th. The work should include the fixing of potholes that currently exist in the lot.

Students, faculty, and staff with day parking permits can park in the North Lot during this time, and students, faculty, and staff with overnight parking permits can use the North Lot or Renaissance Park Garage.

If you fail to remove your car from the Columbus Parking lot in a timely fashion, you risk being towed.


Bad said...

So bad. We pay hundreds to park and they close the lots. NU should refund us.

Poker Uncensored said...

If it was the only facility and you were paying for parking and thus had no place to park on the weekend, refunds would definitely be due to students.

I think having the lot paved so there aren't potholes is worth having to drive over to Renaissance Park Garage for a weekend.