As was announced several weeks ago, RSA Cinema on Channel 117 is transitioning to the name RSA Television this month to allow the name to reflect the channel's diversity in terms of its offerings. No longer simply a movie channel, RSA Television provides student-created content, information about upcoming events and activities on campus, and student group advertising. At the same time, the channel maintains the classic and new release feature films it has always had.
As a part of the transition, the channel is up and running now after a brief 36 hour downtime. On Thursday, January 15th, RSA Television will officially be here. There will be a launch party (details soon) and give aways to promote the channel. We'll be bringing back the popular popcorn giveaway and also giving away pens and other items. Plus, RSA Television will be offering students in the residence halls the opportunity to create their own television shows for the channel. For more information, e-mail us at RSA (at) Northeastern (dot) edu.