07 August 2009
Avoid the 6.25% Meals Tax
People all over the state of Massachusetts are unhappy with the recent 25 percent hike in meals tax and sales & use tax to 6.25 percent. However, Northeastern University students can avoid the meals tax when eating on-campus. Many on-campus eateries, such as Wendy's, Taco Bell, and the West End in the Curry Student Center, Churchill Hall Dining Hall, and Stetson East Irving M. Levine Marketplace, do not charge students the 6.25 percent state meals tax. This little-known fact can help any student who is looking to save some money on food, so help spread us the word to your fellow students by telling them about the savings or e-mailing / tweeting a link to this blog post.
06 August 2009
Opera Place Re-Opened
Opera Place has finally re-opened to vehicle traffic. Closed since the 337 Huntington Incident last month, the road is a one-way route for traffic to move from St. Stephens Street to Huntington Avenue and carried all traffic that exited the Northeastern University North Parking Lot. To see a picture of the area taken this afternoon, check out Twitter.
MBTA Public Meeting Monday
On Monday, there is a public meeting being held regarding the proposal for fare hikes put forth by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. The meeting is at the State House (Gardner Auditorium, specifically) on Beacon Hill right in Boston, and students are encouraged to attend and let their voices be heard. The meeting starts at 4:00 PM.
Following this meeting, the Resident Student Association will be working on preparing an opinion on behalf of the resident students at Northeastern. To be involved in this process, you can attend next week's General Council meeting at 7:00 PM in 270 West Campus, Building F.
Following this meeting, the Resident Student Association will be working on preparing an opinion on behalf of the resident students at Northeastern. To be involved in this process, you can attend next week's General Council meeting at 7:00 PM in 270 West Campus, Building F.
04 August 2009
Outdoor Recycling Arrives
The first outdoor recycling containers have appeared on campus! They are currently all located in the West Campus near the entrances to Building B, Building D [Behrakis], and Building H. The Student Government Association has posted a picture of the new recycling containers outside of Behrakis on their Twitter.
Residents have long asked for recycling to be available outdoors. If you want to see more outdoor recycling on-campus, rest assured that this is on our list of projects to improve campus, and let us know where you would like to see the recycling containers.
Residents have long asked for recycling to be available outdoors. If you want to see more outdoor recycling on-campus, rest assured that this is on our list of projects to improve campus, and let us know where you would like to see the recycling containers.
Status of 337 Huntington Avenue for Fall 2009
This week the Resident Student Association heard mixed messages about what was going to happen to 337 Huntington Avenue (also known as “The Fairwoods”) this Fall. After hearing from students, we contacted Student Affairs to figure out what the correct story was and want to share it with the community so students who are directly affected, students-at-large, and others can know what is happening.
Around August 1st, letters were issued to students with their Fall 2009 housing assignment. Students who received a letter assigning them to 337 Huntington Avenue should ignore this letter. Housing and Residential Life is re-assigning all students who were assigned to 337 Huntington Avenue to alternative locations on-campus for both the Fall 2009 and Spring 2009 term. This is due to what Housing and Residential Life calls a "more likely than not" possibility that repair to 337 Huntington Avenue will not be completed for Fall 2009 opening.
Students who were moved "up" in housing style (for example, from a double to a single or from standard to enhanced) will be billed the rate that they had in 337 Huntington Avenue. However, Housing and Residential Life has stated that this is only valid provided students “do not seek re-assignment.” One problem with this policy is that in the re-assignment process, some roommate sets were split, and if a student has the opportunity to live in a situation that they would be more comfortable with, Northeastern University is effectively charging as much as $2,000 a semester for a student to do this. The Resident Student Association will be investigating why this policy was created and see what can be done to enable students to seek re-assignment to available spaces without being charged more than their 337 Huntington Avenue rate.
Students who are currently living in Davenport B (displaced due to the "337 Huntington Incident") will conduct move to/from/in/out similar to how any other resident student does so. Students should e-mail their current Residence Director and the Residence Director of the building they are assigned to move into if they will be on-campus in the Fall 2009 term. If moving off-campus, students need to just e-mail their current Residence Director. A list of Residence Directors and contact information can be found here.
Contrary to any previous statements by Northeastern employees or rumors that existed, students in Davenport B will not have to move into consolidation housing during intersession, nor will these students be charged extra to remain on-campus during intersession.
Housing and Residential Life has noted that housing assignments may change if circumstances change. They have stated that they will contact students who are affected to make them aware of these changes, if they happen.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let the Resident Student Association know by connecting with us on Twitter (@RSABlog and @NortheasternRSA), e-mailing the Resident Rapid Response Team at NortheasternRSA (at) neu.edu, or posting a comment on this blog.
Around August 1st, letters were issued to students with their Fall 2009 housing assignment. Students who received a letter assigning them to 337 Huntington Avenue should ignore this letter. Housing and Residential Life is re-assigning all students who were assigned to 337 Huntington Avenue to alternative locations on-campus for both the Fall 2009 and Spring 2009 term. This is due to what Housing and Residential Life calls a "more likely than not" possibility that repair to 337 Huntington Avenue will not be completed for Fall 2009 opening.
Students who were moved "up" in housing style (for example, from a double to a single or from standard to enhanced) will be billed the rate that they had in 337 Huntington Avenue. However, Housing and Residential Life has stated that this is only valid provided students “do not seek re-assignment.” One problem with this policy is that in the re-assignment process, some roommate sets were split, and if a student has the opportunity to live in a situation that they would be more comfortable with, Northeastern University is effectively charging as much as $2,000 a semester for a student to do this. The Resident Student Association will be investigating why this policy was created and see what can be done to enable students to seek re-assignment to available spaces without being charged more than their 337 Huntington Avenue rate.
Students who are currently living in Davenport B (displaced due to the "337 Huntington Incident") will conduct move to/from/in/out similar to how any other resident student does so. Students should e-mail their current Residence Director and the Residence Director of the building they are assigned to move into if they will be on-campus in the Fall 2009 term. If moving off-campus, students need to just e-mail their current Residence Director. A list of Residence Directors and contact information can be found here.
Contrary to any previous statements by Northeastern employees or rumors that existed, students in Davenport B will not have to move into consolidation housing during intersession, nor will these students be charged extra to remain on-campus during intersession.
Housing and Residential Life has noted that housing assignments may change if circumstances change. They have stated that they will contact students who are affected to make them aware of these changes, if they happen.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let the Resident Student Association know by connecting with us on Twitter (@RSABlog and @NortheasternRSA), e-mailing the Resident Rapid Response Team at NortheasternRSA (at) neu.edu, or posting a comment on this blog.
Housing Services,
Residential Life
03 August 2009
Three "New" Beverages in International Village
On August 31st, when the International Village Dining Hall opens, students will have access to a few beverages that previously were not available in the dining halls. The first is the often-requested Dr. Pepper, which will be accompanied by its fellow Dr. Pepper Snapple Group beverage Canada Dry ginger ale.
Additionally, students will be able to enjoy Fruit Punch [red] POWERAID in the International Village Dining Hall, with Lemon-Lime POWERAID still available at Stetson Hall East and Stetson Hall West.
The new beverages are being offered, in part, thanks to the work of Resident Student Association members who voiced student opinions, suggestions, and concerns to Dining Services. If you ever have an idea for something new in the dining hall, let us know!
Additionally, students will be able to enjoy Fruit Punch [red] POWERAID in the International Village Dining Hall, with Lemon-Lime POWERAID still available at Stetson Hall East and Stetson Hall West.
The new beverages are being offered, in part, thanks to the work of Resident Student Association members who voiced student opinions, suggestions, and concerns to Dining Services. If you ever have an idea for something new in the dining hall, let us know!
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