16 October 2008

Preventing Sickness on Campus

I know it isn't exactly fun to talk about but as we move into colder weather it is going to become harder and harder to prevent colds, the flu, and the norovirus. Here are some some tips for preventing these terrible sicknesses:


Every year about 20% of Americans get the flu. Last year 200,000 people were hospitalized for flu symptoms and 36,000 people died from the flu. Many college students see the flu as a minor illness but please think of the rest of the population. The flu is seen as a deadly disease for young children and the elderly. Since the flu is spread through the air it is really important to think of who you could pass the flu onto.

#1: Wash Your Hands
Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. Someone who has the flu sneezes onto their hand, and then touches the telephone, the keyboard, a kitchen glass. The germs can live for hours -- in some cases weeks -- only to be picked up by the next person who touches the same object. So wash your hands often. If no sink is available, rub your hands together very hard for a minute or so. That also helps break up most of the cold germs. Or rub an alcohol-based hand sanitizer onto your hands.

#2: Don't Cover Your Sneezes and Coughs With Your Hands
Because germs and viruses cling to your bare hands, muffling coughs and sneezes with your hands results in passing along your germs to others. When you feel a sneeze or cough coming, use a tissue, then throw it away immediately. If you don't have a tissue, turn your head away from people near you and cough into the air.

#3: Don't Touch Your Face
Cold and flu viruses enter your body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching their faces is the major way children catch colds, and a key way they pass colds on to their parents.

#4: Drink Plenty of Fluids
Water flushes your system, washing out the poisons as it rehydrates you. A typical, healthy adult needs eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids each day. How can you tell if you're getting enough liquid? If the color of your urine runs close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.

#5: Take a Sauna
Researchers aren't clear about the exact role saunas play in prevention, but one 1989 German study found that people who steamed twice a week got half as many colds as those who didn't. One theory: When you take a sauna you inhale air hotter than 80 degrees, a temperature too hot for cold and flu viruses to survive.

#6: Get Fresh Air
A regular dose of fresh air is important, especially in cold weather when central heating dries you out and makes your body more vulnerable to cold and flu viruses. Also, during cold weather more people stay indoors, which means more germs are circulating in crowded, dry rooms.

#7: Do Aerobic Exercise Regularly
Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump larger quantities of blood; makes you breathe faster to help transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood; and makes you sweat once your body heats up. These exercises help increase the body's natural virus-killing cells.

#8: Eat Foods Containing Phytochemicals
"Phyto" means plants, and the natural chemicals in plants give the vitamins in food a supercharged boost. So put away the vitamin pill, and eat dark green, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits.

#9: Eat Yogurt
Some studies have shown that eating a daily cup of low-fat yogurt can reduce your susceptibility to colds by 25 percent. Researchers think the beneficial bacteria in yogurt may stimulate production of immune system substances that fight disease.

#10: Don't Smoke
Statistics show that heavy smokers get more severe colds and more frequent ones.
Even being around smoke profoundly zaps the immune system. Smoke dries out your nasal passages and paralyzes cilia. These are the delicate hairs that line the mucous membranes in your nose and lungs, and with their wavy movements, sweep cold and flu viruses out of the nasal passages. Experts contend that one cigarette can paralyze cilia for as long as 30 to 40 minutes.

#11: Cut Alcohol Consumption
Heavy alcohol use suppresses the immune system in a variety of ways. Heavier drinkers are more prone to initial infections as well as secondary complications. Alcohol also dehydrates the body -- it actually takes more fluids from your system than it puts in.

#12: Relax
If you can teach yourself to relax, you can activate your immune system on demand. There's evidence that when you put your relaxation skills into action, your interleukins -- leaders in the immune system response against cold and flu viruses -- increase in the bloodstream. Train yourself to picture an image you find pleasant or calming. Do this 30 minutes a day for several months. Keep in mind, relaxation is a learnable skill, but it is not doing nothing. People who try to relax, but are in fact bored, show no changes in blood chemicals.

Noroviruses generally spread through contaminated water and foods, although they can also pass from person to person. You may become infected by:
  • Eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus. Shellfish and salad ingredients are most often infected with the viruses. Food other than shellfish may be contaminated by food handlers.
  • Touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing your hand in your mouth.
  • Having direct contact with someone who is infected. For example, if you are a caregiver or share foods or utensils with someone who is ill, you may become infected.
  • Persons working in day care centers or nursing homes should pay special attention to children or residents who have norovirus illnesses. This virus is very contagious and can spread rapidly throughout these environments.

Please be safe and take the necessary precautions to prevent these diseases from invading our campus. Thanks to WebMD for this information.

Insitutions Offering Music Download Services are the Minority

Back in Summer I 2008, the Housing Services Committee took a look at Ruckus and the possibility of bringing a legal music download service to campus. The result of our work was the well-researched Sense of the General Council of the Resident Student Association Regarding the Ruckus Music Download Service. During our research, we were told by the people at Ruckus that a large number of schools already offered services to students and more were going to be doing so. We were also told that Congress was going to mandate that Universities sign up for a service. While this is something that companies like Ruckus and groups like the Recording Industry Association of America are lobbying for, it really was not true.

Last week, a report was issued by EDUCAUSE, a non-profit group with a mission of advancing higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology, that provided hard numbers based off a survey of 994 colleges and universities. We saw that in reality, the number of institutions that have bought into a music download service is only 15 percent. The number of institutions considering the option is 17 percent. While these numbers are increases over the prior year, it shows that colleges and universities offering music download services to students is a minority.

While a music download service could be of use to students, it does have a cost, as as the General Council stated, no music download service will be acceptable to residents until it meets several conditions, including:

  • Supporting all modern Windows and Mac operating systems
  • Allowing music to be transferred to all types of portable music players
  • Allowing music to be burned to compact disc.

14 October 2008

Student Group Freedom at Risk in South Dakota

You may have heard how the College Democrats went through the Residence Halls recently encouraging students to go out and vote on November 4th, or to register and vote absentee. Well in South Dakota, student groups at institutions receiving public funds could be prohibited from such activities should ballot initiative measure 10 (the South Dakota Open and Clean Government Act) pass. The act, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, would "prohibit the use of public money or government resources for lobbying, campaigning, or other political purposes". The Chronicle reports that while "the measure does not explicitly mention higher education, opponents say it could be interpreted to cover student organizations." Speaking from a student perspective, the Executive Director of the South Dakota Student Federation, an organization of student governments, said that the initiative could "serve as a 'gag law' against student groups."

Here in Massachusetts, we are lucky that there are no such ballot initiatives coming up on November 4th. However, all students should be reminded that their votes are important, and that by voting students can have an impact on issues affecting students.

Vote for MOHA; King & Queen

In the Resident Student Association, we encourage students to vote. Whether it's voting for the President of the United States of America, voting for the President of the Student Body, or voting for Homecoming King & Queen and the Mayor of Huntington Avenue, voting is a great way to have your voice heard. That said, the Resident Student Association has endorsed Savannah Rose for Homecoming Queen, Topher Nelson for Homecoming King, and Matthew D. Soleyn for Mayor of Huntington Avenue. You can vote for them on myNEU. Additionally, there are a few events this week that are free to attend. The first is Meet the Court, which is tonight at 8:00 PM in the Curry Student Center ballroom. Second is The Mayor's Debate at 6:30 PM tomorrow in the Curry Student Center ballroom. Third, Thursday at 6:30 PM there is a Homecoming Pep Rally on the North Campus Quad between Speare and Stetson East. All three events are free to students.

RSA Television

Rumors are flying around about something new coming in January 2009. Something called RSA Television. Well, the rumors are true. In early January 2009, RSA Television will be launching. Look out for more about RSA Television in November.

13 October 2008

Registered Parties

Hello Everyone! This is my first post so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself. My name is Mallory Brown and I am the new Assistant Vice President of the Housing Services committee. A major project I am working on right now is bringing registered parties to Northeastern. This would mean that students who are of age could have save parties with alcohol with the responsibility falling on the host. This project is still in the research stage but so far I have found a ton of schools who are starting to offer registered parties. I will keep you up to date with any future information. Let me know what you think. Have a great day!