Watch the video below to learn about movies being featured on RSA Cinema this month:
03 September 2008
September 2008 on RSA Cinema
The Past, Present, and Future of RSA Cinema
This summer the Housing Services Committee worked to develop a report evaluating RSA Cinema's past, current state, and looking forward at what needed to be done. We also set the stage for the creation of an RSA Cinema Manual and developed plans for advertising and promoting the channel. The full report is over fifty pages, and can be downloaded here as a PDF. Feel free to comment on the report, and look for the more formal RSA Cinema Manual next week.
Where Have All The Blog Posts Gone?
We've been pretty busy the last couple weeks in the Resident Student Association. While it is intersession, we were occupied with move to-from, advocating for the residents, and training the Resident Assistants. So the blog didn't get updated for almost two weeks. This update isn't much, but check back later today for a big piece of news!