22 June 2008

RSA Cinema Improvements

The Housing Services Committee would like to solicit your ideas on how RSA Cinema can be improved in the upcoming year. Please post comments about problems you have had with RSA Cinema, what you don't like, and what you want to see us offer.

Some of the feedback we already received has been about the odd starting times. For example, movies used to start at times like 4:08 PM or 9:43 PM. Now, all titles start on a quarter hour (:00, :15, :30, or :45). Also, in response to student complaints about long intermissions with just a screen saying "waiting to play," we have added student-created content in the time between feature movies, which is never more than 15 minutes.


Anonymous said...

More movies per month!

Poker Uncensored said...

We're definitely going to have more titles each month starting in September!