14 October 2008

Vote for MOHA; King & Queen

In the Resident Student Association, we encourage students to vote. Whether it's voting for the President of the United States of America, voting for the President of the Student Body, or voting for Homecoming King & Queen and the Mayor of Huntington Avenue, voting is a great way to have your voice heard. That said, the Resident Student Association has endorsed Savannah Rose for Homecoming Queen, Topher Nelson for Homecoming King, and Matthew D. Soleyn for Mayor of Huntington Avenue. You can vote for them on myNEU. Additionally, there are a few events this week that are free to attend. The first is Meet the Court, which is tonight at 8:00 PM in the Curry Student Center ballroom. Second is The Mayor's Debate at 6:30 PM tomorrow in the Curry Student Center ballroom. Third, Thursday at 6:30 PM there is a Homecoming Pep Rally on the North Campus Quad between Speare and Stetson East. All three events are free to students.


Anonymous said...

Or you can vote for a Kappa Sigma.

Anonymous said...

The ballot isn't online so I can't even vote. What gives?

Poker Uncensored said...

I casted three votes:

- MOHA, myself
- Queen, Savannah
- King, Topher

You all should do the same!