14 October 2008

Student Group Freedom at Risk in South Dakota

You may have heard how the College Democrats went through the Residence Halls recently encouraging students to go out and vote on November 4th, or to register and vote absentee. Well in South Dakota, student groups at institutions receiving public funds could be prohibited from such activities should ballot initiative measure 10 (the South Dakota Open and Clean Government Act) pass. The act, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, would "prohibit the use of public money or government resources for lobbying, campaigning, or other political purposes". The Chronicle reports that while "the measure does not explicitly mention higher education, opponents say it could be interpreted to cover student organizations." Speaking from a student perspective, the Executive Director of the South Dakota Student Federation, an organization of student governments, said that the initiative could "serve as a 'gag law' against student groups."

Here in Massachusetts, we are lucky that there are no such ballot initiatives coming up on November 4th. However, all students should be reminded that their votes are important, and that by voting students can have an impact on issues affecting students.


Anonymous said...

In Massachusetts we have a good ballot initiative to eliminate state income tax. New Hampshire has no state income tax, and their state runs a cleaner government where there is less corruption and less waste of money. Eliminating income tax in Massachusetts will help our economy and spur new jobs and growth. The state needs this to pass.

Poker Uncensored said...

I agree with you. The income tax should be eliminated in Massachusetts. They collect enough revenue in sales tax and property tax. Not to mention things like driver's licensing and other fees. The government needs to cut wasteful spending. The "tax and spend" mindset here in Massachusetts has been hurting the taxpayers and it is time they take a stance against it.