03 August 2009

Three "New" Beverages in International Village

On August 31st, when the International Village Dining Hall opens, students will have access to a few beverages that previously were not available in the dining halls. The first is the often-requested Dr. Pepper, which will be accompanied by its fellow Dr. Pepper Snapple Group beverage Canada Dry ginger ale.

Additionally, students will be able to enjoy Fruit Punch [red] POWERAID in the International Village Dining Hall, with Lemon-Lime POWERAID still available at Stetson Hall East and Stetson Hall West.

The new beverages are being offered, in part, thanks to the work of Resident Student Association members who voiced student opinions, suggestions, and concerns to Dining Services. If you ever have an idea for something new in the dining hall, let us know!


Anonymous said...

From what I hear, RSA did nothing for these new drinks...SGA did it all.

Poker Uncensored said...

RSA members requested the addition of Dr. Pepper and Fruit Punch POWERAID. In fact, Fruit Punch POWERAID was requested at least twice by myself personally in Food Advisory meetings that took place.

I am not saying that SGA didn't do anything -- SGA was a great supporter in improving the drink options at the dining hall, and they are to be commended for supporting students in this way.