07 August 2009

Avoid the 6.25% Meals Tax

People all over the state of Massachusetts are unhappy with the recent 25 percent hike in meals tax and sales & use tax to 6.25 percent. However, Northeastern University students can avoid the meals tax when eating on-campus. Many on-campus eateries, such as Wendy's, Taco Bell, and the West End in the Curry Student Center, Churchill Hall Dining Hall, and Stetson East Irving M. Levine Marketplace, do not charge students the 6.25 percent state meals tax. This little-known fact can help any student who is looking to save some money on food, so help spread us the word to your fellow students by telling them about the savings or e-mailing / tweeting a link to this blog post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to support tax evasion.