23 October 2008

Ever Wonder What the Vending Machine is Trying to Say to You?

When you look at the Vending Machines on campus, there's an extra feature on them that's not usually on other machines. Do you know what I'm talking about... that little teeny, tiny screen that says one of two things: "Cash or Card" or "Cash Only".

Obviously that little screen is telling you what method of payment that you can use. What you might not know though is what is going on when the machine says "Cash Only".

When the machine says "Cash Only", it means that the card reader is out of sync with the server and we have to ask someone to align them back up. (It's actually the same technology as the card reader in the laundry room.) And, as you might intuitively know, when the machine says "Cash Only" you can only use cash.

So now you find yourself asking well what do I do if I find a vending machine that says "Cash Only"??

You should email laundry@neu.edu. That way we can get the card reader back online and available for everyone's use. (You can also use this email address to alert us to any problems that occur in the laundry room too.)

And on one final note, if you've ever want a certain type of product (whether that's food, drink, or toiletries) in a vending machine.... let us know! We're here to be your voice in the halls.

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