16 June 2008

The GrandMarc

Phoenix Property Company recently filed plans with the City of Boston to put a 24-story tower on the land now occupied by part of the Huntington Avenue YMCA. The tower will feature space that can be rented by bedspace instead of by apartment, and is geared towards students.

Several issues exist with the GrandMarc. In the Resident Student Association, strong opposition exists to the building. Additionally, there have been many problems reported in Phoenix Property Co.'s other facilities in the country. There are also concerns over building this tower at the same time as Northeastern's 22 story building where Cullinane Hall is located.

On Thursday, June 19th there is a public meeting to address questions and concerns by community members. The meeting is being held at the YMCA library meeting room at 6:00 PM. Myself, along with members of the Housing Services Committee and the Student Government Association will be attending. I encourage any interested students to come.

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